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We will remember them

We will remember them

Our lovely residents have been busy making poppies to decorate the Home.

Washbags for Carers

Washbags for Carers

Delivery from sewing for the NHS

Easter Greetings for our Residents

Easter Greetings for our Residents

A massive Thank You to Staci, Rupert, Gordon, Anneliese and Angelica, who so very kindly sent a lovely Easter Cards, letters, drawings and puzzles for our Residents.

20 Years Service

20 Years Service

Many congratulations to Housekeeper Kathy Blackburn on her 20 years service at the Vicarage.

5 Star Kitchen

5 Star Kitchen

Spot inspection

Maypole Dancing

Maypole Dancing

Relatives friends and staff members today danced around the maypole for the residents.

Trainee Care Practitioner.

Trainee Care Practitioner.

Steph Ellison recently celebrated her ten years working at the Vicarage.

Dressing up

Dressing up

A selection of costumes and props was brought into the Vicarage last week and residents, staff and relatives all had a chance to try on.

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