Here at the Vicarage Nursing home, set in the beautiful countryside of Shrewsbury, residents enjoy a variety of activities that are run every day. The Vicarage has an acre of surrounding land, with a purpose built dementia garden that has rope trellises and plenty of seating.
The garden is always open to relatives and residents. The quiet surroundings make it perfect to sit and have a cup of tea or even a gin and tonic. We also have a gardener who maintains this beautiful land and so offers gardening activities such as taking the residents to see our very own chickens, and building high herb boxes so the residents can take part in the up keep of their home.
We make good use of the surrounding village of Bayston hill with trips to the local café. We also take trips into town, as it is only a twenty-minute journey from the home and to the quarry, which is what our town is famous for being the “Town of Flowers”. Residents have enjoyed many events here such as our annual trip to the flower show, which is held every year in the quarry.
Our reminiscence programme is developing, memory boxes, dolls or a piece of music can open the mind to some powerful memories and we encourage our residents to do just that. It also helps us to use a person-centred approach to our activities focusing on their interests.
We offer PAT pet therapy where residents can sit with and stroke dogs or cats and music therapy sessions that involve movement to music, quizzes and above all, lots of fun. We also encourage exercise with yoga balls and armchair exercises. We offer a range of pampering activities, which is usually done on a one to one basis such as hairdressing and hand massages. Among these activities we also cover the more traditional activities such as bingo, skittles a dominoes. We have regular visits from the local churches where residents take part in the singing and we also have visits from various local choirs.
We have a wide range of entertainers bringing different eras and genres of music into the home. All our activities are chosen to fit the person’s interests and well being. We also cater for all the big events such as our Easter party and our Christmas party we celebrate all the major events and are always looking for new ideas and challenges.